Saturday 30 March 2019

Monday 25 March 2019

Term 1 Learning

Learning in Weeks 6-10

Its almost the end of term and the Easter holidays are almost here. We have been very busy working through our term programs and experiences. Students are all going well and I am proud of the progress they are making. If I could please ask for parents to remind students to bring in their Home Practice folders daily. I will collect all books every Friday for marking, however, other activities and changes of home readers happen on other days throughout the week so it makes it much easier if students bring their folder. New readers will not be sent home with students if they do not bring in their home practice folder and return the previous book. Please allow time for your child to read the set books with you and ask them some questions about it to consolidate their understanding.

Phonemic Awareness

  • Deletion of syllables(the parts in a word) e.g. pen/cil  = pen
  • Onset and rime (changing the first sound in a word to create a new word) e.g cat - c and +  m = mat
  • Blending (putting sounds together to make a word) e.g. f- l- o- p = flop
  • Segmenting (breaking a word into its sounds) lamp= l-a-m-p
  • A revision of initial and final consonant blends. (2 consonant letters coming together, you hear both sounds)
  • Revision of digraphs sh, ch, th, wh. (2 letters coming together to make a new sound)
  • Introduced ck digraph (ck can be found in the middle or at the end of words and only after a short vowel sound)
  • Word Families including ang, ing, ong and ung. (words with the same spelling patterns)
Speaking and Listening
  • Mat manners
  • Kagan cooperative learning - Rally Robin and Stand Up Hand Up Pair Up
  • Introduced Quiz, Quiz, Trade strategy
  • Big Write celebrations and sharing
  • Blending and segmenting of words into sounds 
  • Using visuals to support comprehension and decoding.
  • High frequency words - (revision of: get, through, back, much, go, good, write, new, our, man, too) any, day, same, look, think, another, around, also, me, came, come, work, three, must, because
  • Fluency and expression

  • Recounts - structure and topic vocabulary
  • Capital letters, full stops, commas
  • Spelling is differentiated depending on your child's understanding and knowledge about the application of sounds. Lists are included on their home practice sheets
  • Nouns(common and proper) (revision)
  • Antonyms (opposite words)(revision)
  • Synonyms
  • Proper nouns need a capital letter. Common nouns do not. 


Number and Algebra

  • Addition using different strategies including counting on (think big, count small), facts to 10, doubles facts.
  • skip counting in 2 's, 5's, 10's

Measurement and Geometry

  • 2D shapes - names of shapes and their attributes (sides and corners)
  • 3D shapes - names and attributes (faces and sides and corners)
  • Patterning
Statistics and Probability

  • Graphing 
  • Possibility of events
  • Changes in our sky (day and night) continued
  • Seasons and their features
  • Natural, managed and constructed features in our suburb. 

  • Ipads - typing and taking photographs


  • Safety on Wheels - riding safely using a helmet.

Harmony Week

Last week we celebrated Harmony Week. Students wrote acrostic poems using the theme of 'belonging'. These poems were entered into our whole school poetry competition which was also run last week for World Poetry Day. We discussed what Harmony Day represents and wrapped it all up with a special Harmony Day parade of nations.

We all live and belong to this beautiful country called Australia. Happy Harmony Day to our Wattle Grove Community from Room 24.

Also a big congratulations goes to Mankirat for being the Year 1 poetry winner, selected by Mrs Macilwraith.


Hello and welcome to Room 6's blog for 2020. This blog will be a place where parents/carers can log on to see what is happening in ...